
August 28, 2024

Version 1.9.15

  • Added Clear Cart: New module added under Improve Experience category
  • Fixed Quick View: Bulk Discounts are now clickable in Quick View
  • Fixed Quick View: Improved Buy X, Get Y display on smaller screens
  • Fixed Quick View: Product thumbnails now appear correctly in Bricks theme
  • Added Product Labels: Shortcode added
  • Added Product Labels: Duplicate option added
  • Fixed Pre-order: Discount value now limited to 100% when Discount type is set to Percentage
  • Changed Pre-Orders: Added decimal input support for Price and Discount fields
  • Fixed Pre-order: Module no longer applies sale when the sale toggle is off (now respects the product's sale settings)
  • Fixed Cookie Banner: Now working properly on all pages
July 31, 2024

Version 1.9.14

  • Fixed Pre-orders: Duplicate order received emails in pre-orders
  • Fixed Product Labels: Show Pages settings not working
  • Fixed Product Labels: Background color cutoff in full-width sections with product grids
  • Fixed Product Labels: Incorrect sale amount/percentage for Grouped products. Now shows the sale amount/percent of the total price of items in the grouped product
  • Fixed Quick View: Sale price color and regular price color not working
  • Added Quick View: New field 'Show suggested products' to control which module's content to show on the modal
  • Added Quick View: New field 'Show buy now button' to show the Buy Now button on the modal
  • Fixed Buy Now: Buy button was showing up on archive pages for out-of-stock products
  • Changed Scroll to Top Button: Value 0 was not allowed for fields like offset, padding, border-radius
  • Fixed Scroll to Top Button: Conditional fields not working in settings
  • Fixed Trust Badges: Overlapping issues in some themes
  • Fixed Merchant dashboard: Icon appearance inconsistency in Enabled Modules dashboard
July 5, 2024

Version 1.9.13

  • Fixed Product Labels: label wasn't compatible with Storewide sale
  • Fixed Product Labels: label wasn't appearing correctly on the Flatsome theme
  • Fixed Product Labels: diagonal label shapes weren't appearing correctly on some themes
  • Fixed Free gifts: Now includes tax in calculations for spending goals when spending type is set to cart total
  • Fixed Quick View: not all button styling options were working for some themes
  • Fixed Animated Add to Cart: animation not working on Page load when Activate this animation setting is set to "On page load"
  • Fixed Agree to Terms Checkbox module: Overriding text with Germanized Plugin
  • Fixed Settings: Fixed a couple of responsive design issues and included functions to resolve conflicts between merchant and other plugins using the same function
June 8, 2024

Version 1.9.12

  • Fixed Pre-order: Automatic conversion of order status from Pre-Ordered to Processing after the pre-order date passes.
  • Fixed Pre-order: Issues with pre-order emails firing again for both customers and admins.
  • Changed Pre-order: Removed Modes 3 and 4, switching all relevant setups to Mode 1.
  • Fixed Pre-order: Incorrect date display on the product archive page.
  • Fixed Product Labels: Labels now appear in WooCommerce blocks such as Products by Category and Newest Products.
May 30, 2024

Version 1.9.11

  • Fixed Product Label: Resolved an issue where storewide sales and product labels displayed incorrect discount percentages.
  • Fixed Buy Now: Fixed a bug where the Buy Now button wouldn't redirect to the checkout page when "Real Time Add To Cart" was enabled in Astra & Astra PRO.
May 24, 2024

Version 1.9.10

  • Added Product Labels — Image option for labels now available, including predefined shapes and the ability to upload custom shapes.
  • Added Product Labels — Enhanced control over label styling.
  • Added Product Labels — Option to visible Labels across various pages (Homepage, Single, Archive).
  • Added Product Labels — Labels now supported on different device types (Desktop, Mobile).
  • Added Product Labels — Support for multiple categories.
  • Added Product Labels — Option to exclude products from all products and specific categories.
  • Fixed Real-Time Search — Resolved issue where the search was not working with the Kadence theme.
  • Fixed Real-Time Search — Fixed compatibility issues with the search component from the Impreza theme.
  • Changed Pre-Orders — Updated pre-order module logic to support multiple rules with discounts.
  • Added Pre-Orders — Added modes for mixing pre-order and non-pre-order products in the cart.
  • Added Pre-Orders — Start and end dates for scheduling pre-order campaigns.
  • Added Pre-Orders — Campaign availability conditions based on selected users/roles.
May 9, 2024

Version 1.9.9

  • Changed Conditional changes in some modules.
May 1, 2024

Version 1.9.8

  • Fixed Product Label: Resolved an issue where storewide sales and product labels displayed incorrect discount percentages.
  • Fixed Buy Now: Fixed a bug where the Buy Now button wouldn't redirect to the checkout page when "Real Time Add To Cart" was enabled in Astra & Astra PRO.
April 13, 2024

Version 1.9.7

  • Fixed Some modules settings information empty in the admin.
  • Fixed Product Labels: Style messed when there's a high number of labels to the same product.
April 9, 2024

Version 1.9.6

  • FixedConditional logic was broken in some modules settings page
March 27, 2024

Version 1.9.5

  • AddedProduct Labels: A specific product option within the "Pages to Display" allows adding labels to specific products
March 9, 2024

Version 1.9.4

  • AddedCode improvements for enhanced support of third-party integration.
  • FixedImproved product labels compatibility with the Botiga theme.
March 7, 2024

Version 1.9.3

  • FixedThe "Buy Now" button for variable products now correctly adds the selected quantity to the basket instead of two items.
  • FixedThe "Buy Now" button no longer shows incorrect label themes on Block themes.
February 16, 2024

Version 1.9.2

  • Fixed Inactive tab message module no longer shows a URL if the field is left blank, it shows the page title instead.
January 31, 2024

Version 1.9.1

  • Fixed: Metabox showing even if no modules are enabled.
  • Fixed: Typo on size chart module metabox.
January 29, 2024

Version 1.9.0

  • FixedLayout issues in RTL mode.
January 18, 2024

Version 1.8.3

  • ChangedGoogle Autocomplete: Tutorial link.
  • ChangedDelay first display from pro upsell notice for 3 days.
  • FixedWaitlist: Mismatch between preview text and form title.
January 4, 2024

Version 1.8.2

  • ChangedPre-Orders: Display the shipping date on product grids, cart, checkout, review order and my account pages.
December 22, 2023

Version 1.8.1

  • AddedBuy Now: New options to control which pages the button should be displayed.
December 14, 2023

Version 1.8

  • AddedCompatibility with Polylang plugin.
  • AddedCompatibility with WPML plugin.
  • AddedShortcodes for modules.
  • AddedBuy Now: New option to control rendering position from button.
  • AddedBuy Now: New 'customize' option to control the style of the button.
  • ChangedTerms and conditions module overrides WooCommerce core output.
  • ChangedTrust Badges: Render images from WordPress functions instead of hard code.
  • ChangedPayment Logos: Render images from WordPress functions instead of hard code.
  • FixedAdmin option switcher field: When default value is '1', it keeps always enabled (even if you disable).
  • FixedQuick View: Generating horizontal scroll when the content is higher.
November 29, 2023

Version 1.7

  • AddedProduct labels: New option to add multiple product labels with their own display condition and color settings.
  • AddedProduct labels: Introduction of new display conditions (Featured Products, New Products, Out of Stock, By Product Category).
  • FixedQuick View: Overlay option doesn't work on Kadence theme.
  • FixedProduct search field in the admin metabox not working.
November 18, 2023

Version 1.6

  • AddedCart and checkout related modules admin instructions regarding WooCommerce 8.3 new cart and checkout blocks.
  • AddedPre-Orders: Admin product edit tooltip with instructions regarding out of stock products.
  • AddedWaitlist: New option to display the subscribe form in products on backorder.
October 11, 2023

Version 1.5

  • ChangedRenamed Product Swatches to Variation Swatches.
  • FixedCookie Banner: In certain cases it was not possible to close the cookie banner.
September 30, 2023

Version 1.4

  • ChangedModules preview and descriptions updated.
September 8, 2023

Version 1.3

  • ChangedPlugin dashboard modules order rearranged.
  • FixedReal-Time Search: Ajax isn't working.
August 28, 2023

Version 1.2

  • AddedPreview box to all modules in the admin.
  • AddedCompatibility with Merchant Pro.
July 25, 2023

Version 1.1

  • AddedDeclare compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS.
  • FixedQuick View: Icon absolute position values not working properly.
  • FixedQuick View: Icon hover color not working with some themes.
  • FixedPayment Logos: In some themes the logos are wrongly being displayed in variable products on shop categories pages.
  • FixedPayment Logos: Logos being display twice when 'in cart quantity' from Botiga theme is enabled.
July 13, 2023

Version 1.0.0

  • AddedA brand new plugin with a new dashboard.
  • Added4 modules: Buy Now, Animated Add to Cart, Product Labels, and Quick View under the Convert More category.
  • Added2 modules: Payment Logos and Trust Badge under the Build Trust category.
  • Added1 module: Pre-Orders under Boost Revenue category.
  • Added2 modules: Cart Count Favicon and Inactive Tab Message under Reduce Abandonment category.
  • Added4 modules: Real-time Search, Auto External Links, Code Snippets, and Scroll to Top under Improve Experience category.
  • Added2 modules: Agree to Terms Checkbox and Cookie Banner under Protect Store category.
August 28, 2024

Version 1.9.15

  • Added Free Shipping Bar: New module added under Boost Revenue category
  • Fixed Bulk Discounts: For variable products, Bulk Discounts are no longer clickable if the offer for the selected variation is already in the cart
  • Fixed Bulk Discounts: Discount value now limited to 100% when Discount type is set to Percentage
  • Fixed Bulk Discounts: Resolved a fatal error on the thank you page when Thank You Page offer is active
  • Changed Free Gifts: Coupon-based offers will no longer appear in the floating widget unless the associated coupon is entered
  • Changed Free Gifts: Added decimal input support for Price and Discount fields
  • Fixed Buy X Get Y: Discount value now limited to 100% when Discount type is set to Percentage
  • Changed Buy X, Get Y: Added decimal input support for Price and Discount fields
  • Fixed Spending Discount Goal: Discount value now limited to 100% when Discount type is set to Percentage
  • Changed Spending Discount Goal: Added decimal input support for Price and Discount fields
  • Fixed Frequently Bought Together: Discount value now limited to 100% when Discount type is set to Percentage
  • Changed Frequently Bought Together: Added decimal input support for Price and Discount fields
  • Fixed Frequently Bought Together: Bundle title no longer appears on Cart page when the offered product is out of stock
  • Fixed Frequently Bought Together: Variation selector size increased in Cart for better visibility
  • Fixed Frequently Bought Together: Module no longer shows out-of-stock products
  • Changed Storewide Sale: Added decimal input support for Price and Discount fields
  • Fixed Storewide Sale: Corrected default sale value
  • Fixed Storewide Sale: Discount value now limited to 100% when Discount type is set to Percentage
  • Added Product Bundle: Can now appear in search results for pre-orders module
  • Added Product Bundle: Added ability to set fixed price
  • Added Product Bundle: Price range now shown if the bundle contains optional products
  • Changed Product Bundle: Moved optional product checkbox to the bottom of the product item
  • Added Quick Social Links: Shortcode added
  • Added Product Navigation Links: Shortcode added
  • Added Product Video: Shortcode added
  • Added Product Audio: Shortcode added
  • Added Countdown Timer: Shortcode added
  • Added Wishlist: Shortcode added
July 31, 2024

Version 1.9.14

  • Added Buy X Get Y: Displaying upsell suggestions in checkout
  • Added Buy X Get Y: Enabling Thank You Page Upsell
  • Added Buy X Get Y: "Exclude Categories" option when Trigger is "All Products"
  • Changed Buy X Get Y: If an item is added as a free gift, don't show upsells on it
  • Fixed Buy X Get Y: Offer title not working
  • Fixed Buy X Get Y: Extra dot (.) in Discount text on the cart page
  • Added Frequently Bought Together: Displaying upsell suggestions in checkout
  • Added Frequently Bought Together: Enabling Thank You Page Upsell
  • Changed Frequently Bought Together: If an item is added as a free gift, don't show upsells on it
  • Fixed Frequently Bought Together: Compatibility with Shoptimizer theme
  • Added Bulk Discount: Displaying upsell suggestions in checkout
  • Added Bulk Discount: Enabling Thank You Page Upsell
  • Changed Bulk Discount: If an item is added as a free gift, don't show upsells on it
  • Added Bulk Discount: "Exclude Categories" option when Trigger is "All Products"
  • Added Free Gifts: "Exclude Categories" option when Trigger is "All Products"
  • Added Free Gifts: Introduced a new field called 'Tiered Free Gifts' to control whether an existing gift should be removed after adding another one
  • Added Storewide Sale: "Exclude Categories" option when Trigger is "All Products"
  • Fixed Storewide Sale: Date and timezone issues
  • Fixed Product Bundle: Pricing issues
  • Added Spending Discount Goal: User Condition field is added
  • Fixed Spending Discount Goal: Widget transparency issue on hover (desktop) or tap (mobile)
  • Added Wishlist: New field for tooltip after a product is added to the wishlist
  • Fixed Wishlist: Hide Add to Cart button for out-of-stock products in the Wishlist table
  • Changed Wishlist: Products will be removed from the Wishlist table if added to the cart from the table
  • Fixed Recently Viewed Products: Compatibility with Shoptimizer theme
  • Fixed Advanced Reviews: Customer review images submitted didn't look good on mobile
  • Fixed Advanced Reviews: Star icon background color didn't work
  • Fixed Stock Scarcity: Content was showing as HTML entities with Astra theme
  • Fixed Quick Social Links: Incorrect Size Display for Custom SVG Icons
  • Changed Category selection now displays in a hierarchical view
July 5, 2024

Version 1.9.13

  • Added Frequently Bought Together: Add upsells on the cart page
  • Added Bulk Discounts: Add upsells on the cart page
  • Added Buy X Get Y: Add upsells on the cart page
  • Fixed Frequently Bought Together: not all products appearing in the search result for "Products to offer" when any category was selected
  • Fixed Bulk Discounts: Fixed display of offers with zero quantity
  • Fixed Bulk Discount product: incorrect pricing when condition no longer met
  • Fixed Bulk Discount: excluded coupon not working properly
  • Fixed Buy X Get Y: Fixed external offers showing on all products instead of only the products added to the offer
  • Fixed Buy X Get Y: Fixed offers not showing when category is selected. Now shows when main product and offer products are the same
  • Fixed Buy X Get Y: User can click add to cart but even if the offered (Y) product is out of stock
  • Fixed Buy X Get Y: Offer doesn't appear on FE when Stock management is enabled for a variable product (Y product)
  • Fixed Checkout: Duplicate payment gateways and terms checkbox in "One step" checkout layout with Germanized Plugin.
  • Fixed Waitlist: Subscription Notice Text Copy
  • Fixed Waitlist: New subscriber default email message was incorrect
  • Fixed Wishlist: wasn't fully compatible with WooCommerce Brands
  • Fixed Added to Cart Popup: Some color settings weren't working in Suggested Products Section
  • Fixed Quick Social Links: wasn't fully compatible with WooCommerce Brands
  • Fixed Product Bundles: Product description wasn't showing for variation product
  • Changed Buy X Get Y: If the offered product is out of stock, it'll now show 'Out of stock' text instead of the product price
  • Changed Checkout: Added solid separator lines between rows in both the second and third steps for Styling consistency in Multi-step Checkout Layout
  • Changed Waitlist: Menu name from "Wait List Subscribers" to "Waitlist Subscribers"
  • Changed Wishlist: Price will now show with regular price and sale price (if available)
  • Changed Wishlist: Now it'll show Stock Status to "Partially available" for variable products if any of its variation is out of stock
June 8, 2024

Version 1.9.12

  • Added Product Bundle: Support for the euro decimal separator.
  • Changed Storewide Sale: Now displays a crossed-out price range (regular to discounted) for variable products.
  • Fixed Storewide Sale: Corrected the order of prices from high to low in the range.
  • Added Storewide Sale: Option to duplicate campaigns.
  • Fixed Spending Discount Goal: Text formatting settings not functioning correctly on the frontend.
  • Added Free Gifts: User condition role.
  • Added Free Gifts: Option to duplicate campaigns.
  • Added Free Gifts: Option to exclude products.
  • Added Buy X Get Y: User condition role.
  • Added Buy X Get Y: Option to duplicate campaigns.
  • Added Frequently Bought Together: User condition role.
  • Added Frequently Bought Together: Option to duplicate campaigns.
  • Added Sticky Add To Cart: Allows users to select product variations directly from the sticky add to cart bar.
  • Fixed Sticky Add To Cart: Issue where the sticky add to cart wasn't visible immediately after page load when the scroll amount is set to 0.
May 30, 2024

Version 1.9.11

  • Fixed Free Gifts - Widget wasn't auto-opening once the threshold was reached.
  • Fixed Product Bundle - wrong price calculations when no discount added.
May 24, 2024

Version 1.9.10

  • Added Free Gifts — "Claim" button added for gifts (both simple/variable products); customers need to claim gifts to add them to the cart or can proceed to checkout without the gifts.
  • Changed Free Gifts — Distance value now adjusts based on the position selection.
  • Fixed Advanced Reviews — Resolved bugs with pagination and implemented AJAX.
  • Fixed Advanced Reviews — Fixed display of star ratings for unapproved comments.
  • Changed Advanced Reviews — Star rating score precision changed to 1 decimal place (e.g., previously 4.35, now 4.3; previously 5.00, now 5).
  • Changed Recently Viewed Products — Default number of displayed products changed from 10 to 6.
  • Added Recently Viewed Products — Option to display recently viewed products on Cart and Checkout pages.
  • Fixed Storewide Sale — Fixed price calculations for variable products.
  • Fixed Storewide Sale — Resolved issue with single variation product offers not working in some cases.
  • Added Bulk Discount — Bulk discount campaigns are now clickable, automatically adding offers to the cart.
  • Fixed Bulk Discount — Variations are now treated as equivalent for discount purposes.
  • Fixed Added to Cart Popup — Resolved product duplication in the Frequently Bought Together offer.
  • Fixed Frequently Bought Together — Fixed an error caused when the offer is enabled and set to display on all products when viewing the second product.
  • Fixed Buy Now — Restored the missing buy now button for bundled products on the archive page.
  • Added Buy X Get Y — Added support for external product offers.
  • Added Buy X Get Y — Disable the offer when the ‘Y’ product is out of stock.
  • Added Waitlist — Option to exclude products from the waitlist.
  • Changed Sticky Add To Cart — Sticky add to cart is now hidden when the standard add to cart button is visible.
May 9, 2024

Version 1.9.9

  • Added Product Bundle: Added an optional field to let customers choose whether to include bundled products.
  • Added Product Bundle: Introduced Min and Max Quantity options for selecting quantities within a specified range.
  • Fixed Product Bundle: Ensured compatibility with the "Price Based on Country" plugin so that the total price updates correctly when switching currencies.
  • Fixed Product Bundle: Corrected a pricing issue where bundle prices didn't match products with storewide sale discounts.
  • Fixed Storewide Sale: Fixed an issue where variable products didn't display regular prices correctly.
  • Added Checkout: Added support for Moneris payment.
  • Added Advanced Reviews: Enabled photo uploads for user reviews to visually showcase product usage.
  • Added Advanced Reviews: Admins can now choose whether reviews require text or can be image-only.
  • Added Advanced Reviews: Photos are expandable via a modal and displayed as a slider.
  • Added Advanced Reviews: Added an option to showcase review photos at the top of the review feed in a slider format.
  • Added Advanced Reviews: Made rating bars interactive for filtering reviews by star rating.
  • Added Free Gift: The gifts widget remains visible even after criteria are met.
  • Added Free Gift: Configure the gift offer's three states based on spending goals.
  • Added Free Gift: Added four new widget icons.
  • Added Free Gift: Introduced positioning options for all four corners of the screen.
  • Added Free Gift: Added a field to specify widget distance from the top or bottom of the page.
  • Fixed Floating Cart: Fixed a bug where the quantity didn't work without the side cart enabled.
May 1, 2024

Version 1.9.8

  • Added New Module: Added to Cart Popup — Display a dynamic popup with product recommendations when items are added to the cart.
  • Fixed Product Bundle: Fixed a bug causing 'NaN' errors with high sale prices.
  • Fixed Product Bundle: Resolved an issue where child product images in bundles were not loading with the Bricks theme.
  • Fixed Storewide Sale: Enhanced compatibility by fixing the exclusion rule that wasn't working with product types from additional plugins.
  • Fixed Checkout: Resolved an error with WooCommerce Payments on extra checkout layouts.
  • Fixed Checkout: Fixed issues with the layout options "Shopify multi-step" and "One step" not functioning when "Classic Shortcode" is selected from the WooCommerce "Checkout" block.
  • Added Recently Viewed Products: Introduced a new display order, 'Last viewed', showcasing the most recently viewed product on the left.
  • Changed Recently Viewed Products: Removed the 'Menu order' display option.
  • Fixed Variation Swatch: Fixed an issue where variations were not displaying on WooCommerce's "Newest Products" block.
  • Fixed Settings: Fixed a fatal error that occurred when the Merchant Operating Mode was set to "Preview".
  • Fixed Waitlist: Improved functionality to send ‘restock’ messages even when the ‘stock management’ option is disabled.
  • Fixed Floating Mini Cart: Fixed a display issue where double +/- icons appeared in the floating/side cart when using the Bricks theme.
April 13, 2024

Version 1.9.7

  • Fixed Waitlist: Restock admin notice is being displayed even though the product has 0 as stock.
April 9, 2024

Version 1.9.6

  • Added Countdown Timer: Show a global timer counting down on the product page.
  • Added Countdown Timer: Introduced Days and Minutes fields for the 'Evergreen' setting.
  • Fixed Countdown Timer: The Evergreen functionality now correctly displays a randomly generated expiration date for each visitor and product, adhering to the set Minimum and Maximum expiration deadlines.
  • Added Countdown Timer: 6 new countdown layouts available for selection.
  • Added Countdown Timer: Offers diverse styling options tailored to the respective layouts.
  • Changed Countdown Timer: Enhanced with a real-time live preview of the timer.
  • Fixed Conditional logic was broken in some modules settings page.
March 27, 2024

Version 1.9.5

  • Added New Module: Storewide Sale — This module enables store owners to easily set up storewide discount campaigns.
  • Fixed Variation Swatch: No longer introduces an additional "Add to Cart" button on product pages.
  • Fixed Free Gifts: Corrected the free gift offers counter to accurately reflect the number of available offers.
  • Fixed Free Gifts: Enabled both simple and variable products within the product rewarded option.
  • Fixed Free Gifts: Ensured the checkout button remains visible and functional.
  • Fixed Free Gifts: The specific product option now correctly triggers the expected free gift upon qualifying purchases.
  • Changed Free Gifts: Improved cart summary clarity by removing the display of savings.
  • Added Product Bundle: New functionality to show the main and variable products within the product search option.
  • Added Product Bundle: Customers can now choose their variation when shopping for bundled products.
  • Added Frequently Bought Together: An exclusion option for all products or specific categories to exclude specific products.
  • Added Bulk Discount: Option to choose multiple products for specific product selection.
  • Added Bulk Discount: Option to select product tags.
  • Added Bulk Discount: Option to duplicate a campaign.
  • Added Bulk Discount: Option for campaign priority by dragging and sorting the campaigns.
  • Added Bulk Discount: Option to exclude coupon discounts from the bulk discount offer.
  • Added Bulk Discount: New variable `{percent}` to show the discount percentage.
  • Added Bulk Discount: Help text to use variables for the fields that support variables.
  • Fixed Bulk Discount: Incorrect product price in the cart for variable products.
  • Fixed Bulk Discount: Live update on preview (Fields: Save label, Tier format text).
  • Fixed Bulk Discount: The value of several fields, like cart item discount title and cart item discount description, not reflecting on the front end.
  • Added Bulk Discount: Exclusion option for all products or specific categories to exclude specific products.
  • Fixed Buy X Get Y: For variable products, a variation of the main product must be selected before adding it to the cart from the "Buy X Get Y" section.
  • Fixed Buy X Get Y: Now controls the "Buy X Get Y" cart text to match the offer title; if blank, nothing will show.
  • Added Buy X Get Y: Exclusion option for all products or specific categories to exclude specific products.
  • Fixed Reasons To Buy: No longer shows the icon and title when there are no items.
  • Fixed Product Brand Image: Global images are no longer showing when no brand image is added.
  • Fixed Sticky Add to Cart: Now appears correctly on various themes when the position is set to the bottom.
  • Fixed Sticky Add To Cart: Removed unwanted contents when enabling the 3rd party plugin content option.
  • Fixed Sticky Add To Cart: The "Add to Cart" button is now showing up for bundle products.
March 9, 2024

Version 1.9.4

  • FixedResolved errors in the “Frequently Bought Together” module when no products were selected.
  • FixedCorrected the “Free Gifts” module to ensure gift products are removed from the cart when added by category.
  • FixedImproved error handling in the “Buy X Get Y” and “Bulk Discounts” modules.
March 7, 2024

Version 1.9.3

  • AddedFree gifts offered with the purchase of a specific product.
  • AddedFree gifts offered with the purchase of a product from a specific category.
  • AddedFrequenly Bought Together: Bundle a specific category with a specific product.
  • AddedDisplay of stock scarcity on the products archive page.
  • AddedUser condition rules for bulk discount offers.
  • AddedBulk discount offers now available in the quick view.
  • AddedBuy X Get Y offer now available in the quick view.
  • AddedVariation swatch in the Quick View module for variable products.
  • AddedNew auto-slide option in the spending discount goal module.
  • ChangedRefactored the "Frequently Bought Together" and "Free Gifts" modules.
  • FixedIncorrect titles and links for the recently viewed products have been corrected.
  • FixedThe currently viewed product no longer appears in the recently viewed products list.
  • FixedThe "Choose label text color" setting for bulk discounts now correctly applies to the numerical amount.
  • FixedThe sales countdown timer is now visible for variable products.
  • FixedResolved sticky add-to-cart compatibility issue with the Flatsome theme.
  • FixedVariation swatch now changes images on mouseover when this feature is enabled.
February 16, 2024

Version 1.9.2

  • Changed Refactored logic for Buy X get Y and bulk discounts modules to allow for easier settings adjustments.
  • Added Introduced category option for Buy X get Y and bulk discounts modules.
  • Fixed Waitlist module issue with variable products resolved.
  • Added Introduced White Label option for brand customization (available on the Agency plan only).
  • Fixed Resolved side cart issue to prevent opening on single product pages when empty.
  • Fixed Activated image change feature to match selected color variations in “Frequently Bought Together” module.
January 31, 2024

Version 1.9.1

  • FixedProduct bundle price showing zero on shopify checkout & one-step checkout.
  • FixedError appearing on wishlist page when wishlist is empty.
January 29, 2024

Version 1.9.0

  • AddedProduct Bundles module.
  • FixedLayout issues in RTL mode.
  • FixedFrequently Bought Together: "Your savings" not showing on mobile in cart page.
  • FixedFrequently Bought Together: Cart total not working correctly when using a percentage discount.
January 18, 2024

Version 1.8.3

  • AddedWishlist: New option to allow users to share the wishlist.
  • AddedSide Cart: Input to increase/decrease the product quantity.
  • AddedSize Chart: New option to display the global size chart on specific categories.
  • FixedSize Chart: Displaying only 5 posts on admin category select.
  • FixedProduct Video: Not working with Blocksy theme.
  • FixedProduct Audio: Not working with Blocksy theme.
January 4, 2024

Version 1.8.2

  • AddedWaitlist: Added option to automatically send emails to subscribers to let them know that products are back in stock.
  • AddedWaitlist: Preview the new subscriber and stock update emails.
  • AddedWaitlist: Unsubscribe links on waitlist emails.
  • AddedSticky Add To Cart: Compatibility with Woo Subscriptions.
  • FixedWaitlist: Bulk actions not working.
  • FixedStock Scarcity: Low stock message not displaying on variable products.
December 22, 2023

Version 1.8.1

  • AddedNew module for Google address auto-complete.
  • FixedRequired optional checkout field on shopify checkout.
  • FixedWaitlist: Not working with variable products.
December 14, 2023

Version 1.8

  • AddedCompatibility with Polylang plugin.
  • AddedCompatibility with WPML plugin.
  • AddedShortcodes for modules.
  • ChangedFrequently Bought Together: If a bundle has 0% discount, then discount messages won't display.
  • FixedFrequently Bought Together: Not working with variable products in some cases.
  • FixedFrequently Bought Together: Allowing discount even when products are removed from cart.
  • FixedCart reserved timer: clear cart not working.
  • FixedSticky Add To Cart: Quantity input isn't displaying correctly on Botiga theme.
  • FixedShopify and One Step Checkout: 'Use a different shipping address' it's requiring optional fields.
November 29, 2023

Version 1.7

  • FixedFrequently Bought Together: 'After product summary' rendering the module in wrong position.
  • FixedFrequently Bought Together: Font size from price with slash too big in the Oceanwp theme.
  • FixedFree gifts module doesn't support decimal numbers.
  • FixedSide Cart: Text alignment in some themes.
  • FixedShopify Checkout: Miss alignment in the products summary list.
November 18, 2023

Version 1.6

  • AddedCart and checkout related modules admin instructions regarding WooCommerce 8.3 new cart and checkout blocks.
  • FixedCart Reserved Timer: Wrong server timestamp in some servers.
October 11, 2023

Version 1.5

  • Added4 Modules: Quick Social Links, Add To Cart Text, Side Cart and Product Navigation Links.
  • AddedProduct Video: Able to add videos into the product gallery.
  • AddedProduct Audio: Able to add audio into the product gallery.
  • AddedFrequently Bought Together: It's now possible to show bundles on every product page that's part of the bundle.
  • FixedFrequently Bought Together: When fixed discount is used for the bundle, the discount value was shown as bundle price.
  • FixedPreview urls for Frequently Bought Together, Volume Discounts and Product Swatches now link to the product page which has the feature enabled.
  • FixedGifts: Items were not added to the mini cart when amount is reached.
October 4, 2023

Version 1.4

  • FixedForbidden page when Merchant Pro is installed alone.
September 30, 2023

Version 1.3

  • AddedProduct Swatch module.
  • AddedCountdown timer: New sale price dates feature.
  • AddedReasons to buy list: Individual products meta box & global placement setting.
  • FixedProduct video: Ensure the display functions correctly in the gallery.
  • FixedProduct audio: Ensure the display functions correctly in the gallery.
  • FixedSticky add to cart: Ensure the right product is being displayed in the sticky bar.
September 8, 2023

Version 1.2

  • AddedFrequently Bought Together: Support for variable products.
  • AddedBuy X get Y: Support for variable products.
  • ChangedGifts: Enhanced coupon usability.
  • ChangedRemoved 'Content Protection' module due to accessibility issues.
  • FixedGifts: Widget to function properly with AJAX operations.
  • FixedFloating Mini Cart: Widget to function properly with AJAX operations.
  • FixedSpending Goal: Widget to function properly with AJAX operations.
  • FixedBuy X get Y: Ensured that offers cannot be added to the cart repeatedly unless products are removed, preventing misuse.
  • FixedFrequently Bought Together: Ensured that when the main product is removed from the cart, all associated bundled products are also deleted.
  • FixedGeneral styling issues for Frequently Bought Together, Buy X get Y and Free Gifts.
September 2, 2023

Version 1.1

  • Fixed Frequently Bought Together: The module is wrongly dependent from Buy X, Get Y module.
August 28, 2023

Version 1.0

  • Added 6 modules: Sticky Add To Cart, Checkout layouts (shopify style, one-step and multi-step), Countdown Timer, Recently viewed Products, Waitlist and Stock Scarcity under the 'Convert More' category.
  • Added 5 modules: Spencindg Discount Goal, Volume Discounts, Frequently Bought Together, Gift and Buy X Get Y under the 'Boost Revenue' category.
  • Added 2 modules: Cart Reserved Timer and Floating Mini Cart under the 'Reduce Abandonment' category.
  • Added 3 modules: Advanced Reviews, Product Brand Image and Reasons To Buy List under the 'Build Trust' category.
  • Added 5 modules: Login Popup, Product Audio, Product Video, Size Chart and Wishlist under the 'Improve Experience' category.
  • Added 1 module: Content Protection under the 'Protect Store' category.